LCA analysis (Life Cycle Assessment) is a methodology for assessing environmental impacts in all phases of the life cycle of a product, process or service.
trajnostna analitka
Pomen LCA analize
According to ESG standards (GRI and ESRS), companies are expected to integrate all aspects of sustainability into their business strategy and operations. LCA analysis plays a key role in this integration, providing a comprehensive and science-based methodology for measuring and reporting the environmental impacts associated with a company's products or services.

- Additional points for EU tenders
- Request from banks for better financing conditions
- Preparation for the new CSRD directive (non-financial reporting)
- Key customers require LCA analysis (across the entire supply chain)
- Environmental performance of products and services
Together with our team of experts, we have developed an effective concept for performing an LCA analysis for the entire portfolio of your products and services (according to ISO 14040 and 14044).
Sustainable solutions
Trajnostna analitika v podjetju
Sodelujemo z vodilnimi ponudniki digitalnih orodji na področju trajnostne analitike (LCA, Scope 1,2,3) in nefinančnega poročanja (ESRS).
Poleg programske rešitve vam naša ekipa nudi strokovno podporo pri implementaciji digitalnih orodij in pregledu LCA analiz.
Naše rešitve so validirane in popolnoma prilagojene vašim potrebam in potrebam vaše industrije.
Put your products ahead of your competitors and join industry leaders in incorporating sustainability into your business.