Mitja Krajnc
Trajnostna embalaža: PPWR uredba za manj odpadkov in večjo reciklabilnost v EU
Svet EU je 16.12.2025 sprejel nova pravila za zmanjšanje odpadkov zaradi embalaže in povečanje ponovne
Mitja Krajnc
Poleg CSRD še ESPR direktiva – Uvedba digitalnih potnih listov za izdelke (DPP)
18. julija 2024 je EU sprejela zakonodajo o razširjeni odgovornosti proizvajalca (ESPR), da bi spodbudila
Žiga Čož
LCA analysis and ESRS
The growing importance of life cycle assessment (LCA) in the evolving environment of European sustainability reporting standards
Mitja Krajnc
EcoImpact's efficient and powerful sustainability platform
Trayak's EcoImpact software, trusted by industry leaders in various sectors, not only
Mitja Krajnc
Sustainable Production and LCA Analysis
Life cycle analysis (LCA) has become a key tool for assessing the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycle
Žiga Čož
CSRD Directive and the role of LCA analysis
The CSRD directive and the role of LCA analysis. In this article, we will explore the CSRD directive, go deeper
Žiga Čož
Access to LCA analysis quickly and easily within the company
To integrate sustainability into their operations, companies are increasingly benefiting from LCA software integrations in
Žiga Čož
Improving Brand Reputation and Image Using LCA Analysis
This article describes how LCA analysis can help improve brand reputation and image.
Mitja Krajnc
LCA Analysis for Environmental Improvements
The use of LCA analysis to achieve environmental improvements of products and services and the utilization of this information in
Mitja Krajnc
LCA analysis and additional points in tenders
In addition to banks, European tenders are increasingly taking into account the sustainable practices of companies.
Mitja Krajnc
LCA analysis and green financing
This article describes how LCA analysis affects obtaining financing from banks and Europeans